Johannes Kunz Migration Services provide individual advice in all Australian immigration matters and handle all aspects of the visa application process. We deal with a wide range of clientele, ranging from Australian and overseas businesses to individuals looking to permanently settle in Australia.

Our service usually begins with an individual consultation, the objective being to establish the best immigration strategy based on client circumstances, plans and goals. We are able to assess client eligibility and explain all viable migration pathways, ensuring clients are well-informed of their options as well as the timeframes and involved costs from the outset. Once the client has a clear direction, we can be engaged to take care of the entire visa process.

Australian immigration law is not only complex, with approximately 100 different visas, it is also ever-changing. Immigration success demands adherence to strict legal requirements, meticulous planning and the lodging of comprehensive and structured submissions. Our clients appreciate our attention to detail, competency and availability during what can otherwise be a stressful process.

Johannes Kunz is an Australian Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1461072). Before moving from Austria to Australia, he studied law at the University of Vienna, completed the bar exam and worked as an associate at a corporate law firm. He speaks English, German and Portuguese.



    Wir können uns nicht vorstellen, wie wir ohne die Dienste von Johannes so zielstrebig zu unserem Visum gekommen wären. Bei jedem Schritt stand er uns tatkräftig zur Seite mit Professionalität, Engagement und tiefgründigem Fachwissen. Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass wir ihn an unserer Seite hatten und können jedem nur empfehlen, sich von ihm beraten zu lassen. Keep up the fantastic work!

    A few words from Christopher Kuehl about our service_LinkedIN

    Christopher K

    I am really impressed and appreciative of Johannes for his help in obtaining our Permanent Visas (family and I). Under his guidance, advice, and support, we completed all the requirements/documentation/substantiation in good time and we were able to collect the required Quality and Quantity of evidence to present our case to immigration. We were surprised and delighted that the Permanent visas the immigration department’s decision-making was completed in a fraction of the stated timeframe. I attribute that to the professionalism and expert advice/guidance provided by Johannes.

    A few words from Hafez Ajjur about our service_LinkedIN

    Hafez A

    I highly recommend Johannes Kunz Migration Services, we are very grateful for his professionalism and guidance to get our Permanent Residence. Johannes provided us with clear information and he was always willing to answer any question we came across in our process. We are thankful for his assistance and will recommend his professional services to anyone who may need it.

    A few words from Lina Moyano about our service_LinkedIN

    Lina M

    Johannes is a specialist when it comes to Business and Investor Visas. He understood right from the start what we needed, was always available and we appreciated to directly dealing with him, without any intermediaries during the entire process. His experience in dealing with Australian authorities and in-depth knowledge of the process made the whole endeavour stress free and effective. In Australia he provided us with a network of professionals, which was very helpful to set up business and hit the ground running. If you think of doing business in Australia, I can fully recommend Johannes to handle your migration process.

    A few words from Dirk about our service_LinkedIN

    Dirk M

    Herr Kunz ist außerordentlich! Unser Visumantrag war ein sehr langer und komplizierter Vorgang, doch Herr Kunz hat uns immer zeitnah, zuverlässig, kompetent und freundlich weiter geholfen. Beantragung eines Australischen Visums ohne Ihn? Keine Chance. Ich kann Herrn Kunz nur jedem empfehlen!!!

    A few words from Marina about our service_LinkedIN

    Marina B

    Ich vermute die meisten Kunden kommen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, daher würde ich hier gerne ein paar Worte über meine Erfahrungen mit euch/Ihnen Teilen. Das wichtigste bei einem Migration Agent ist am ende des Tages: Er weiß genau was er macht, dafür bekommt er sein Geld. Herr Kunz ist höchstgradig kompetent und hat uns über ein Skilled Regional Visa die Möglichkeit geschaffen ein Visum zu erhalten. Er hat uns durch den gesamten Prozess begleitet und alle Rückfragen beantwortet. Super flexibel und immer für einen da, ohne den Taschenrechner zu zücken und einem für jeden kleinen Rat die nächste Rechnung zu schreiben. Unterstützt von einer Übersetzerin für die Dokumente, hat er unser Visum absolut professionell abgewickelt und ich kann Herrn Kunz mit bestem Wissen und Gewissen empfehlen. Und ja, ein Migration Agent kostet ein paar dollar, aber Herr Kunz ist hier meiner Meinung nach, jeden Cent wert.

    A few words from Henrik about our service_LinkedIN

    Hendrik G

    Johannes is a high level professional. He provided a detailed and valuable support during all my immigration process. His knowledge and skills were a key factor in my case since he gave to me an importance guidance during all phase of the process. I strongly recommend his services for each one that needs help and support for any kind of Australian immigration programs.

    A few words from Vinicius about our service_LinkedIN

    Vinicius B

    Within one year Johannes made our life-long dream come true – In May 2016 we finally got our Skilled Permanent Residency Visa approved. Before we sought Johannes’ advice we tried to manage the visa grant processes ourselves, but the reality is that Australian immigration law is not only overwhelming complex, but also constantly changing. Johannes gave us the decisive tip we needed regarding a viable visa subclass workaround that would never have occurred to us without his consultation. He established an individual immigration strategy for our family and handled the major time-consuming aspects of the visa application process. We can highly recommend his service. His communication and legal skills are excellent. He has been a pleasure to work with, bringing his attention to detail to every migration process.

    A few words from Maren W about our service_LinkedIN

    Maren W

    Johannes has been a great asset in my journey to obtain my visa for Australia. He’s always on top of everything, walks you through every step, knows exactly what needs to happen next, meets every deadline and I’ve always felt in great hands and well looked after. My visa has now come through and I couldn’t be more grateful for his assistance. Thank you!

    A few words from Sunny about our service_LinkedIN

    Sunny v A

    Johannes Kunz was a great help with the visa process. Moving to Australia for a job, I was overwhelmed and puzzled by the immigration process and additionally pressed for time. I found Johannes Kunz via a internet search. He took care of all the visa related paperwork, quickly answered all my emails, and was always very friendly. Thanks to him my visa came through in time and I could move to Australia and settle in before my work commenced. If I ever again need help with Australian immigration or visa services in the future, I will contact him – and I recommend that to everyone else, too!

    A few words from Eva about our service_LinkedIN

    Eva S.

    Ich habe Johannes Kunz kontaktiert, da ich ein Jobangebot von einer australischen Uni hatte und war von dem administrativen Anforderungen der Beantragung der Visa etwas überfordert. Johannes Kurz hat sich meiner Sache professionell, strukturiert und freundlich angenommen. Er hat mich während des Beantragungsprozesses sehr kompetent und immer zeitnah, sowie fokussiert und sehr hilfsbereit beraten und begleitet. Er hat mich immer rechtzeitig auf die Dokumente hingewiesen, die ich vorbereiten oder vorlegen musste, sodass alle Unterlagen von ihm stets fristgerecht einregeicht werden konnten. Alle beantragten Visa sind nach überraschend kurzer Bearbeitungszeit durchgekommen. Ich kann Johannes Kunz aufgrund meiner Erfahrungen hinsichtlich der Visabeantragung vorbehaltlos und mit Nachdruck für Visabeantragung, Visaberatung und Übernahme des Beantragungsprozesses empfehlen.

    A few words from Martin about our service_LinkedIN


    I can only speak highly of Johannes and his company, Johannes Kunz Migration Services. I recently had a successful outcome with a Prospective Marriage Visa 300, after 23 months of waiting, and two additional submissions. It was not a particularly straightforward case, in part because my partner is from a category three country. However Johannes is experienced and knowledgeable about immigration processes, and also has a legal background – all of which gave us confidence in his recommendations and strategic approach to our case. He offers professionalism, thoroughness, objectivity and patience. Without his careful, considered guidance and painstaking attention to our documentary evidence, I am certain we would not be enjoying our happy outcome. Indeed, we had an earlier discouraging negative experience with another Migration Agent who accepted payment, but closed her business without lodging our visa application. All Agents are not created equal. Johannes is well established in his business which he conducts with openness, steadiness, competence and integrity – all elements which we highly value. We found Johannes to be trustworthy, respectful and ethical. He is prompt and clear with correspondence and communication. We always felt that our case mattered to him, despite the long time frame involved, and never doubted that he always had our best interests at the heart of our business dealings. However it was his organised approach, accumulated expertise and astute judgement which were the critical factors for our successful visa grant. I hold Johannes in high regard and unreservedly recommend him as a Migration Agent.

    A few words from Michelle about our service_LinkedIN

    Michelle M.